Monday, July 28, 2008

Week two

That Monday, my day off, I did my laundry in an official laundry mat for the first time! Well, that was kind of a fib, but NYU has it’s own private laundry mat downstairs and that seemed official enough for me! You see most people who do their laundry in a mat just leave it, but clearly I am not like most people when it comes to my clothing. I couldn’t just leave all my precious outfits in that boiler room- all alone! What if they got scared??? Or worse what if someone took them! Uh just the thought made my stomach turn so I sat in this hellishly hot room for two hours while I cleaned my clothes. Now that is tough love!

Anyway, that night I was invited to a Mets game—or so I thought! It was quite a funny story looking back, but a friend of mine I met at the Yankees game, Vinny, had season tickets to the Mets games. As you all know I am not really a huge fan of baseball football yes), but not baseball. However, I felt I shouldn’t turn down the offer! Especially because, like the Yankees, this was the last season the Mets were going to play in their current stadium. Well, Vinny and I ventured all the way to Queens, which was like a 30-minute subway only to find a near deserted Mets stadium. At the time, we figured the game let out early but later we figured out that the game was on Wednesday not Monday! Damn. Well, luckily I got a picture outside the stadium so it wasn’t a complete waste! I went home after that because I felt like I was getting a little sick. I still haven’t adapted to the icky pollution and garbage.

Anyway, my second week at Rabbit was great. I was starting to feel much more comfortable with the people and more apart of the team-or family as Douglas would say. For the majority of the week I worked on constructing our director’s biographies in an aesthetically styled PDF document. In other words, I was making glorified word documents, but I was able to be a little creative.

I liked the way Katie presented me with the project. She gave me all the recent work our talented directors had made and then just said, “Make it look good”!  Sometimes when I am trusted and given the freedom to create I produce the best products. Needless to say, this was a pretty big project so I wanted to do it right. And speaking from the future looking back…I think Katie was really impressed!  Props to my new Mac laptop and all its sweet software! Ha that makes me remember the dweeb who sold me my computer at the apple store in Jacksonville. My family will remember how badly I wanted to bitch slap this little man—and thankfully I didn’t listen to him. He kept trying to sell me some crap version of Microsoft word that I wouldn’t have been able to do the Biographies half as well with.

On Wednesday night I had my spinning class that I take on Mondays and Wednesdays. My teacher is a loony bin and definitely does some awkward--perhaps dangerous cycling moves, but it is nice to be on the bike again.  I find it depressing that it’s extremely hard to lose weight but it is surprisingly simple to gain.  I have definitely struggled with finding energy and time to work out. I think this struggle is going to make me a better teacher. I will be more compassionate and empathic with my students. Being a student, I understand that my part as a motivator is very important.  After spinning I met a friend at the dorms name Lucy. Lucy and I grabbed a few beers at a place one block up called Reservoirs. We had fun and it was nice to chill with a girl but I was still feeling sick and my throat was now killing me.

At Rabbit on Thursday we celebrated Katie’s birthday a bit early with Champagne and a ice cream cake! It was really fun and interesting to see all the diverse people I work with in one area. I love any office that serves champagne at 4:00pm on a Thursday. Cheers to Katie!

Well, it seems to be a day for birthdays because Thursday night was an absolute shit show. We were celebrating my roommate Laura’s 21st and oh how I love 21st birthdays!  We did it right too! All of Laura’s girl friends from Jersey came in town to Pre-drink before going to the bar. We partied hard in the east village all night & Laura got smashed! I will not disclose any more information on the status we were all in, but lets just say I had to call in reinforcements…my family and closest friends were on wake up call duty so that I wouldn’t miss work!

So Friday was my day to shine at work because Danielle and Katie were both out of the office. And what an awful day to have to shine! I had to be there early at 9:00 a.m. to fill in Danielle’s position.

Slightly drunk from the night before I staggered into the office with a sore throat sent from hell. Luckily, Keith was feeling a bit under the weather (so to speak) and we rallied together to push though our icky morning hangovers.  By mid-morning I had the phone system down with only a few minor screw-ups. It was fun working in Danielle’s spot because she gets to see and hear everything that is going on, but it was also exhausting! Perhaps I was so beat down because I had only three hours of sleep the night before?? NAhh Well, whatever the reason might had been I finished the day and literally dragged myself down the streets of New York to my steamy dorm. I plopped down on my bed and slept—for 13 hours! Literally I was comatose!