Friday, July 11, 2008

Hey, interns make mistakes too

So, the second day at Rabbit was not so kosher, and as all things in life go, the second time is never as good as the first time…so a screw up was bound to happen on my end.

And maybe it was my fault…maybe it was going out to the local Greenwich bars the night before with my roommate from Jersey and her girlfriends (pictures included) or maybe it was my horrible and intense allergies from this smoggy and dirt driven city (not in a negative manner but lets face it this city  damn dirty) or perhaps it was sheer bad luck-I dont know, but my second day at Rabbit was far from easy sailing (as they would say in Florida).

Day two might have started out with a bit of a hangover…hey, partying with under aged girls at raunchy bars can take a toll on this “old” woman’s body. Regardless, I was a bit groggy and thankfully it seemed everyone else at Rabbit was as well. Isn’t that the best…hangover on hangover: how to manage in the workforce while slightly intoxicated-sounds like a good “how to” book, right? 

My second day I was allotted more responsibilities than just passing out copied paper and answering the phones. One job in particular was to pick up a pair of speakers that my boss, Douglas wanted for his new big screen television in his office. The funny thing about the TV was that in all its big screen Hi-Def glory the manufactures forgot to include speakers. For this reason, I would be venturing to Circuit City in Union Square.

Being the city suave girl I am learning to be I had prepared for an outing such as this and pulled my sneakers out of my purse.  As I was tying my shoelace, Katie shot me a confused expression and said, you are not planning on walking there. I would have answered with a yes, but clearly that was a not a question -it was more of a command. 

At this moment, suave city girl disappeared and my southern side really showed. In the mist of insisting that I would just walk the fifteen blocks Katie completely called me out and said have you not been on the subway? I meekly answered, not alone.

This is when Madonna’s producer Holli, Holli calls me Intern not Erin not even Erin the Intern, but just Intern. She was working at Rabbit while Madonna was shooting a video and  she is a good friend of Douglas’s.

Anyway, Holli overheard the commotion and went all crazy bitch on me. She pulled out her map and starting quizzing me on what’s uptown-what’s downtown…answers I didn’t know.

First, she wanted to prove to me that I was clueless (which she was fabulous at doing) and then she wanted to help.

Holli jerked me off my seat (literally…she is quite aggressive) and told Katie she would walk me down. Katie passed me  her unlimited metro pass and my e-gift certificate for $300 dollars. She told me not to loose it and wished me good luck.

Walking to the subway with Holli was more like a hustle or a small sprint. She was spouting out information and rushing me along. We arrived at the gate as the N-train was pulling up. Holli swiped Katie’s metro card placed it in my hand and gave me a good shoved right onto the train. As I flew in, a bit surprised, the train doors close and I turned to see Holli waving ecstatically- ahh she was so proud…and honestly, a bit fucking crazy. 

There I was on my first subway trip…all alone. See Dad, this is the type of freedom I am talking about…personal freedom/independence NOT financial freedom (seriously not financial freedom…please don’t cut me off).

Two stops later I arrived on 14th street in Union Square. I love Union Square. It is four blocks up from my dorm and a very populated area at night even during the days there are always crazy festivals taking place.

I walked into Circuit City not knowing the agony I was about to be put into.  Instantly I noticed a difference in costumer service. It took me three employees to find the speakers-instead of walking me to the section they would sluggishly point in a general direction. How rude? And lazy! Damn northerns…

Finally, I got to the correct section and this large black man unwillingly helped me. He said they had one more set of speakers in stock and proceeded to ring me up. However, the e-gift card Katie purchased was not valid?? To make a long …long…long story short Katie and I both had to speak to various people over the phone and in the store to finally make the purchase.

I had been there for two hours I was sweaty, hungry, hung-over, and starting to get a gnarly eye infection.  After another thirty minutes and about four bitchy costumer service people I had Douglas speakers…

What I didn’t have was Katie’s unlimited metro card. Mother F**$#@! 

This is when I started freaking out on multiple Circuit City employees…it got messy and I looked even worse. My right eye was bright red and starting to swell. After many attempts I had to accept my screw up. The card was gone. I called Eva hoping to hear some good news , but she said there was nothing I could do.  So I cried…in the Circuit City CD isle.  Not only did it take me two and a half hours to get speakers but in the strife of it all I lost my bosses metro card! Classic intern

I called Katie on my train back and prepared her for the bad news. Luckily she purchased her metro card on a credit and had it canceled. I felt a little better-still I was defeated by a fucking Circuit City trip.

All I wanted to do was go home… It was after five when I arrived back at Rabbit. Katie said I could leave and as I was packing up one of our directors Melissa pulled me aside to help her scan some material and make a bunch of PDF’s.

I have never worked with a director one on one but I was aware of their perfection obsessed personalities. The myth is true, two hours later and with nearly every attempt of mine shot down Katie insisted to Melissa that I go home. Thank God for Katie.

With a swollen blood-shot eye I walked home…feeling a bit like a screw-up. Then my Mother reminded me hey, interns make mistakes too!